Types of Content To Post on Instagram To Increase Sales

The type of content you post on Instagram Stories can significantly impact your sales. By diversifying your content and making it engaging, you can capture your audience's attention and drive conversions. Here are the best types of content to boost sales on Instagram Stories.


Highlighting your products in an appealing way is essential for attracting potential buyers.

Here are some effective strategies:

Product Demos: Show how your product works through detailed demonstrations. This helps potential customers understand the features and benefits of your product. For example, if you’re selling a kitchen gadget, create a Story that shows how to use it in a real cooking scenario. Demonstrations provide practical insight and can address common questions or concerns.

Customer Reviews: Share testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. This adds social proof and builds trust with your audience. Create Stories that feature snippets of customer feedback, and if possible, include user-generated content like videos or photos of customers using your product. Highlighting real experiences can make your product more relatable and trustworthy.



Giving your audience a behind-the-scenes look can humanize your brand and create a deeper connection with your followers. Here are some ideas:

Production Process: Show how your products are made. This can include everything from the initial design phase to the final production stages. For example, if you run a handmade jewelry business, share Stories that show the craftsmanship involved in creating each piece. This transparency can make your products more appealing and highlight their quality and uniqueness.

Team Introductions: Introduce your team members to build a personal connection with your audience. Create Stories that feature short interviews or day-in-the-life snippets of your team. This not only humanizes your brand but also showcases the people behind the products, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.


Promoting special offers and discounts can create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate purchases.

Here’s how to effectively use this type of content:

Limited-Time Offers: Announce flash sales, discounts, or limited-time offers in your Stories. Use countdown stickers to create urgency and remind your audience of the time left to take advantage of the offer. Highlighting these promotions can drive quick sales and boost your revenue.

Exclusive Deals: Offer exclusive deals to your Instagram followers. Create Stories that announce special discounts or early access to new products for your Instagram audience. This makes your followers feel valued and incentivizes them to stay engaged with your content.

Posting a variety of content on Instagram Stories can help increase sales by keeping your audience engaged and interested in your brand. Focus on product showcases, behind-the-scenes content, and special offers to create a dynamic and compelling Instagram Story strategy. By incorporating these types of content, you can effectively showcase your products, build a stronger connection with your audience, and drive more sales.

Start experimenting with these ideas today to see a positive impact on your Instagram marketing efforts.